Learn More from our Friends

Over the last year, we’ve come across many passionate mushroom growers who share their joyous journey of cultivation with others. This page lists several of these cultivators, which we can recommend to you to further your education in the field.


Gordotek has published many high-quality extraction and cultivation videos that revolve around various psychedelics – from growing mushrooms to DMT extractions. In addition to his highly informative videos, he promotes safety and focuses on the healing aspects of psychedelics. His videos and efforts have opened the door for safe psychedelic use for many, and there’s a large crowd of very thankful people who would like to buy this guy a virtual beer. If you’re one of those, consider joining his Patreon. We put one of his videos on the right as an example of his work.

Fungi Academy

The guys from Fungi Academy have been doing in-person courses since 2016 in Guatemala. In the last couple of years, they have come out with a captivating, entertaining, and highly informative online course around mushroom cultivation. A bit after that, they came out with another online course – this time, around Psychedelic Journeywork. They have a small but vibrant online community that helps and supports new cultivators, as well as weekly events, interviews, and other cool things.

Boomer Shroomer

BoomerShroomer is a passionate cultivator with lots of good quality content on her website, as well as Youtube. She also has a Patreon page where you can get additional videos and cultivation information. With a wide variety of “How to” videos and amazing time-lapse footage, BoomerShroomer is bound to have something for you to learn. Here’s a sample video of her “How to Grow Mushrooms from Start to Finish” video.